Iranian Faculty Members and Academics in Germany formed the association for the purpose of intensifying the scientific and cultural relations between Germany and Iran.
The association bears the name "Verband Iranischer Hochschullehrer und Akademiker in Deutschland“, abbreviation: VIHA.
In international correspondence, it uses the term "Society of Iranian Faculty Members and Academics in Germany."“
It shall be registered in the Register of Associations. The association is based in Bonn, Germany.
The association aims to promote scientific and cultural relations between Germany and Iran.
To prevail, the association has particularly instituted the following tasks:
The membership must be requested in writing and approved by the Board. In case of refusal by the Board and the statement of objection by the applicant, the application will be decided in the General Assembly.
1. Ordinary Members:
1. All Iranian students who study in the Federal Republic of Germany may, upon presentation of an enrolment certification acquire a special membership, in case the stated document is sent unsolicited to the VIHA each semester. A reduction of the membership subscription will be granted to the mentioned grouping by the Executive Committee as the circumstances require. Membership as a student ends after graduation and/ or lack of the enrolment certification.
2. Extraordinary Members:
1. All Iranian students who study in the Federal Republic of Germany may, upon presentation of an enrolment certification acquire a special membership, in case the stated document is sent unsolicited to the VIHA each semester. A reduction of the membership subscription will be granted to the mentioned grouping by the Executive Committee as the circumstances require. Membership as a student ends after graduation and/ or lack of the enrolment certification.
2. The following persons can obtain a special membership on request:
a) Iranian academics, who do not take an active part in the Federal Republic of Germany.
b) Non-Iranian academics.
c) Non-Iranian students.
d) Any person who identifies with the purpose of the association.
3. Special members have no voting rights and no election law. They neither cannot elect the Executive Committee nor be elected to the Executive Committee.
3. Honorary members:
Scientists, whose performance is an extension and deepening of the knowledge of the VIHA may be elected as honorary members by resolution of the Executive Committee. They are not entitled to vote and cannot elect the Executive Committee or be elected to the Executive Committee.
The General Assembly shall meet at least once a year. Extraordinary general assemblies take place, when necessary in the interests of the association or on convening of a third of the members by stating the reasons in a written request. All members must be invited about 4 weeks prior to the assembly (by post or email).
General assemblies are convened by a simple letter by the Chairman, in his absence by the deputy chairman. Here, the agenda set by the Executive Committee has to be communicated. A duly convened General Assembly has a quorum with the presence of more than half of the members.
If this number of required members does not meet, a 2nd meeting must be convened on the same day after a short break. This is quorate regardless of the number of members present.
In accordance to, the external representation entitling Executive Committee consists of
The extended Executive Commitee consists of three ordinary members:
The Executive Committee is elected for 2 years. The Board is e.g. responsible for determining the amount of the contribution (see voting).
The distribution of tasks within the Executive Committee is elected by the Executive Committee members themselves.
The members of the Executive Committee are responsible to the General Assembly.
The association and the Executive Committee are represented publicly by the Chairman or in his absence by the Vice-Chairman in accordance to § 26 BGB. All contracts and official correspondence must first obtain the consent of the majority of Executive Committee members by the Chairman or in his absence by the Vice-Chairman, before they will be signed and provided by the seal of the VIHA.
In addition, 2 deputy Executive Committee members are elected. They can move to the Executive Committee after the resignation of an Executive Committee member.
If a nomination of more than 2 members of the Executive Committee will be necessary for the Executive Committee within the legislative period, the Executive Committee is obliged to convene an extraordinary General Assembly within six weeks and hold new elections.
The Executive Committee meets at least once every 4 months. The Executive Committee has a quorum if at least 3 members are present.
The General Assembly will be led by the first Chairman, in his absence, by the deputy chairman. The assembly will elect a member of the Executive Committee as chairman if the deputy chairman is also prevented.
The agenda set by the Executive Committee may be modified or supplemented by decision of the General Assembly.
The General Assembly decides by a majority of the votes cast on the adoption of the resolution proposals.
A majority of two thirds of the votes cast is required in order to change to the purpose of organization and to the exclusion of members. Voting takes place by a show of hands. Voting will take place in writing or secret when a third of the members appeared request on.
The found will be transferred to „Bonyade Kudak Deutschland e.V.“, which shall use it directly and exclusively for charitable, benevolent or ecclesiastical purposes.
Decisions shall be recorded, indicating the place and time of the General Assembly and the voting result in a transcript. The minutes shall be signed by the chairman and secretary.
A written resignation is required and has to be submitted until the 30th of November of a year in order to resign from the association.
A membership ceases due to the:
Bonn, January the 20th, 2017